Saturday, June 10, 2017

Marriage Intimacy

      Intimacy is very common in our world today.This topic can be hard to discuss sometimes just due to how personal and sacred it should be. In our world today, Intimacy has been defined and used in many different ways that can be to horrific to talk about.It has been used for selfish desires that tare souls apart. When we misuse this it effects them and those around them. Pornography is a huge part of it being misused and sadly it is more accessible then it was some years ago. When it is used for selfish desires, it creates a dark feeling and always leaves those feeling empty and they lust for more.
       If people new that it is meant to be with a special spouse when married and only to that person the meaning of intimacy would be more sacred.In our world we find it happening without side the marriage bonds and it can cause heart ache more than they realize. There are those who do save themselves for marriage the blessings of true love and children come and have more meaning.The bonds of trust it can create between spouses can make them happy.
       The things that happen between husband and wife should be kept between them. There are some who talk about it with others, and they don't realize that it is starts to put a strain between them. Many also take what they see from movies and expect it to be perfect and be just as romantic. This is a folly way and couples should talk to each other and be patient.They should tell the other what feels good and what doesn't and  keep that just between them.God made this sacred and special. If we follow his counsel then we will be more happy and true love between a husband and a wife will grow stronger every day.

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