Saturday, June 17, 2017

Is stress a good or bad?

     Stress is the physical pressure, pull, or other force extorted on one thing by another;strain. In our world everyone deals with some sort of stress. Our leaders in ways have stress from trying to balancing schedules to working on a situation that affects other people.Our cops in a way have a lot of stress when a fight breaks out or someone is trying to run or shoot at them when they are caught breaking the law.
    When I was in the MTC(Missionary Training Center) they taught us about stress. They said there were levels of stress. Good, okay, bad, and very bad. They talked about which level you were by how you would react to stress.From Church leaders, they have said the stress levels have increased due to not being able to work hard,  sins they hadn't fixed before they came out, and not having technology to turn to when it gets hard etc. Our world has changed a lot just even with the effects Technology can have on us.
     In families stress is defiantly a huge thing we have to deal with. some of the things that can cause stress is: different family members schedules, what people like to eat, the personalities like if some like sports, or some like dancing and drama, or arguments over chores. I know in our family we have dealt with some minor stress to some major stress. No matter what was going on, what kept us together was we never gave up on each other. Just as an example when my brother and i got in a heated argument I decided to run all over town. This caused tons of stress on my parents even to get neighbors and a helicopter looking for me. I have grown up a lot since then, but what I did wasn't fair to my parents and we worked through it together.
     There are people and families that when stress comes they can handle it, but sadly this inst the case with everyone. There are some that when it gets hard, they turn to abandonment, divorce or just even treating others worse. I heard of this car accident where a teenage boy was out drinking and decided to gt behind the wheel. He had a head on collision with this family where most died.Can you imagine getting the phone call of what your son did, or that your relatives passed away in a tragic accident? This puts tons of stress on more than just those involved and it is very real.
    There is also good stress though as well. Work,school work can be a good kind of stress to teach you things that will benefit you as you grow up. I know as a kid i would go out for some weeks and help work at my uncle's store and even though it was hard, the feeling of finishing a task, making something better was a great accomplishment. There is a scripture 1 Nephi 3:7 where it talks about the Lord wont give us anything we cant handle.

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