Saturday, May 6, 2017


      In our world we talk about the differences between the words  Fact, Theory, Hypothesis and law. Many get these confused when they are either explaining something or trying to learn about a topic. The most common school subject you find these terms being used is in Science.These words and their meanings can be used in our world more than just science.
       First, the definition for fact is something actually exists; reality; truth. A fact in our world today is that we must follow the laws of the land and laws of driving or we will receive a punishment.I had a friend where he loved to drive fast, one day he got caught and received a huge ticket. The fact that he broke the law and was caught he was  punished.. For being a student at BYU or BYUI we signed the honor code and agreed to follow it or we could be kicked out. The fact is that there are some who break the honor code and when they are caught they are kicked out. In a family, If one Cheats or does something to embarrass the family they will either be put in jail or receive another punishment.
      Second the definition for theory is a coherent group of tested general propositions,commonly regarded as correct. We mostly hear or use this when we talk about the theory of evolution. Theory is something that is like a guess of a result when we see something happen. An example can be like if we go watch favorite sorts team and they win a few games, the theory we can say is that they will win the rest of their games. Or if at school you notice a student wears a certain brand, the theory is that their family is rich and happy.
    Third, the definition for hypothesis is a proposition assumed as a premise in an argument. One example that stands out in sports, is that Lebron James and the Cavalier's were going to win the NBA finals for 2016-2017.Their hypothesis was because they had Lebron James and because they won last year was that they would win again this year. Well their hypothesis was wrong and the Golden State warriors won the 2017 NBA finals.
     Fourth, the definition for law is the principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people. When I was young, my dad would take me on some of his trips. He is an Attorney in New Mexico, and when I would go with him to watch him in court, you could see how people were judged because they broke the law. Due to someones actions, a person would receive a punishment.

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