Saturday, May 20, 2017

Boys and Girls.

    The topic of boys and girls has been a huge discussion in our world today especially when it comes to people changing their gender or their likes towards gender. We see more in our world in the past few years of either guys  becoming more like girls and girls becoming more like guys. Its both acceptable by some while others it is looked down upon. In our world today, if a person feels like they aren't a boy and want to change they have their rights to become the opposite gender. Its more likely to hear of a guy or a girl having a body change to have the same body parts as the opposite gender now then it was like 5-10 years ago.
     While God does give us  a path to follow, he also lets us use our agency which either a good consequence or bad consequence follows not from man but from God. It has been said that these kids changed because of  how they behaved and were raised as young kids. As boys the general observations was that they were into guns, cars, always being adventurous, picked fights, played sports etc. Girls on the other hand were more into like playing with dolls, reading, acted more of the nurturing type of person. In a way maybe its just me these can be some of the roles either a father might play, or a mother might play.
      For me growing up, in our family I had  one brother and three sisters. I was more of the adventurous kind. I like to play sports, go camping and just be outdoors. But at the same time my parents taught me important lessons. I remember being taught to do chores first then play after. I was taught to show manners to women because one day I would marry one and maybe have daughters of my own.When I was a teen  my parents have been trying to teach me the roles of fatherhood and as for my sisters they were taught the roles of motherhood.
    At the same time not everyone is raised this way. There are so many different situations where either the kid is raised with a dad and or mom, the parents leave, or the dad or mom is abusive or drunk. There has been studies that says if  the boy is raised by a mom the chances of them growing up feminine is high.The same goes if a  girl is raised by a dad and has the chance of growing up masculine.By theses behaviors in a way they use this to make them feel like they can change there bodies from either a girl to guy or a guy to girl.

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